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two beauty blender. one tear shaped

How to choose ‘THE’ Beauty Blender for Your Makeup Collection!

I started using makeup when I was past my teenage years. I know; it’s horrifying. One fine day, I made it a mission to have my makeup done from scratch with zero knowledge of how anything works. And to say the least, my foundation was blended into a hot mess.

With this story aside, Let’s talk about what I should have considered. I mistakenly overlooked the widely beloved beauty tool—the Beauty Blender—and messed up my look. A beauty blender is a sponge-like applicator used for various makeup products and is available in several sizes. It’s the best way to upgrade your look from cakey to smooth, and I’m sure everyone you know has one. Let me help you figure out which one to choose!

Pretty Woman Using Pink Sponge Blender Make Up Tool On Face

How to Know if a Blender is Good:


Deciding whether you want to break or make your look is literally the first step. It’s not a hard decision because nobody wants to look bad. You’ll want to look at even applications when you look in the mirror of a brightly lit room.

To understand which blender is good, you must know which one is bad. Below are some common problems people complain about. 

The Bad Beauty Blender

After reading this, you’ll know which blender not to get, and you’re set for life:

  • The Sponge is hard and feels like a rock patting on your face.
  • The sponge does not rebound to shape after getting wet.
  • The sponge soaks up makeup.
  • Makeup sticks to the sponge, like grease.
  • The sponge cracks after a few uses.

Pink beauty tear-shaped blender, dirty and clean egg-shaped sponges isolated on light background. Cosmetic tool for makeup in hand.

Features to Consider When You Choose One:

There are several styles and colors to choose from. Some features may help you accomplish better results. Features you need to consider before investing money are:


Better material means no cracks in the blender and on your skin. Sometimes, the sponge splits in half mid-application because it’s made with low-grade foam or latex. Choosing the right material is important because this thing will be touching your face. I suggest you choose one made with non-toxic, hypoallergenic, and hydrophilic Polyurethane Foam, as it ensures durability and high quality. 

Hand with makeup sponges on white background

Shape and size

The thing with shapes is that they’re specifically designed for different purposes. Larger sizes are good for broader applications like foundation or blush, while delicate spaces like under the eye or around the lips would require a smaller one. The original shape of the beauty blender is a teardrop, and the best choice for beginners. Other shapes include:

  • Diamond
  • Pointed edged
  • Small Teardrop
  • Flat edged
  • Contour shaped

Female hands holding a lot of pastel makeup sponges of different


The density of a blender is an important factor to consider when choosing one. A sponge with high density is better for liquid and creamy applications like concealers and contours, while a less dense blender is ideal for lighter coverage, like a light foundation layer and powdered products.


A beauty sponge is made to absorb water and keep it moist, ensuring flawless application. However, some makeup blenders absorb too much. The foundation sponge starts absorbing the foundation itself, becoming more of a problem than a solution. The trick is to moisten your blender enough so it doesn’t absorb your foundation.  

Applying foundation on makeup sponge. Woman's hands with neutral manicure holding bottle of concealer or toner foundation, cream and beauty blender, make up artist background


A low-quality foundation sponge can often be a hassle to wash. A lot of residue collects in the center, and the sponge becomes a giant ball of gunk. You need to look for a balanced pore density in a beauty blender: not too many or too few. Too many can cause a lot of product to get stuck in the center, while a sponge with fewer pores has a coarser texture and may feel harsh on the skin. 

a girl holds a blender with soap bubbles

Rebound Quality 

Most foundation sponges lose their shape and fail to rebound after use. This problem persists if the blender is made with cheap quality materials. When choosing a makeup blender, look for the one that is the spongiest and bounces back to its original shape even after you squeeze the life out of it!

Beautician cleansing beauty blender after applying makeup.


What shape beauty blender is better?

The most versatile shape is the teardrop, which allows for the precise application of almost all products.

What are the disadvantages of a beauty blender?

A beauty blender has several benefits, but it also has a few drawbacks. Some of them include excess product absorption and regular cleaning compared to brushes. 

What’s more hygienic, a beauty blender or a brush?

The hygiene of a makeup tool depends on the regularity of their cleaning. If cleaned properly, both beauty blenders and makeup brushes are hygienic.


The beauty blender is a perfect tool for blending and stands out due to its softness, variety in shapes, durability, and ease of cleaning. These tools are easy to use and do not come with a long instruction manual, so beginners do not need to worry about messing up their makeup looks.

I recommend the VelvetVista Beauty Blender, which has the perfect balance of pore density and is super easy to clean. If you’re ready to take your makeup routine to the next level, Get yours now!



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